AT MicroProtect
Pioneering Technology, Scientifically Validated
to Fight against Covid-19
The Techonology
AT MicroProtect technology
The AT MicroProtect technology has been developed by a multidisciplinary scientific team, ranging from engineering to physics, microbiology, virology and health sciences.
It is a worldwide pioneering technology with real scientific validation with viruses and bacteria, in particular SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind the COVID 19 pandemic. SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind the COVID 19 pandemic.
Microbiological protection barrier
AT Microprotect atua ao nível da proteção microbiológica, quer em ambientes fechados, como no interior de edifícios, espaços confinados e transportes de pessoas, atingindo resultados de inativação de vírus e bactérias com eficácia superior a 99% em 30 segundos. Atua de forma rápida, eficaz, focando-se em vírus ou bactérias, sem colocar em risco a segurança das pessoas. It is a quick, effective and affordable technology that does not compromise public safety.
Deployed locations
It could potentially be used in hospitals, schools, industrial units, public spaces and transport, such as airports and shopping centres, buses, airplanes, train carriages and subways.
This technology was designed to protect the interaction between people, in closed environments.
Scientific principles
The scientific principles of the technology are based on the use of (1) fluid mechanics and (2) UV emission systems, without compromising public safety and health. Combined, the two principles confer this technology the ability to adapt to different scenarios, as to be prepared not only for the current Covid 19 pandemic, as well as future pandemics and other public health issues, caused by multi-resistant bacteria and other viruses.
Technical and Scientific Innovations:
Mathematical calculation algorithm for the use of air as a protection system against viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms;
- Physical behaviour model for the inactivation of viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms using UV light (including control and automation of the UV system);
Increasing UV use efficiency without compromising people's safety and health.
Technological principles
The technological principles developed allow to improve the quality and safety of people inside buildings, without sacrificing thermal comfort originated by air renewal system or by the opening of windows and doors, thus ensuring the energy efficiency levels of the building.
Addressing the problem and response needs
Air contamination and fluid mechanics
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Breaking one of the main virus transmission chains and other microorganisms in the air.
Not to chase the virus: Channel the virus to the desired location.
How to control the flux of people in airports?
By applying the principle of fluid mechanics, limiting free roaming, leading passengers to control points in order to check their luggage for potential pathogens that may compromise safety and public health.
How to control the flux of people in airports?
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By applying the principle of fluid mechanics, limiting free roaming, leading passengers to control points in order to check their luggage for potential pathogens that may compromise safety and public health.
A new concept of "Inverse Physics"
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The virus propagates through the air. The AT MicroProtect technology aims to use air to protect people.
New concept of fluid mechanics to improve indoor air quality
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Integration of mathematical algorithms and physical behavioural models for inactivation of viruses and other microorganisms in relation to UV, to model and implement effective fluid mechanics principles in indoor air quality.
Virus Transmission
"European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control"
Ozone as an air purifier
AT MicroProtect em parceria com Generis
Implementação da tecnologia AT MicroProtect na Unidade Industrial da Generis, uma das maiores empresas farmacêuticas portuguesas, de forma a tornar este espaço mais seguro para os seus colaboradores.

Tecnologia portuguesa elimina o novo corona vírus do ar, anunciam fabricantes
The pioneering technology AT MicroProtect,currently being developed in Portugal, is capable of eliminating the SARS-CoV-2 airborne virus particles in under 5 minutes, says the consortium that has created it. In a single minute, the equipment is capable of eliminating 99.97% of the virus.
Pioneering technology is capable of removing 99% of the virus present in the air
A pioneering technology that is capable of removing 99.7% of the SARS-CoV-2 virus airbourne , that will reach up to 100% efficiency in the interval of 5 minutes has just been launched in Portugal, announced last tuesday.

Pioneering technology removes SARS-COV-2 and the Tuberculosis bacteria
The pioneering technology AT MicroProtectis able to clear 99.7% of the SARS-CoV-2 virus airbourne particles, has achieved the deactivation of the bacteria responsible for turberculosis.
Portuguese consortium unveils new tech to eliminate coronavirus in air
A Portuguese consortium led by the BLC3 Association announced on Tuesday that it had developed equipment that eliminates the novel coronavirus through “controlled” emission of radiation waves which are “much more efficient than solar radiation.”

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